product analyzed

App Let's take care of ourselves

App Let's take care of ourselves

logo of the application, this being a circle with three hearts inside, one yellow, one green and one red.
Overall rating:

Categories assigned to this product within the main category Technology.


Categories assigned to this product within the main category Needs.

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What does it consist of:

“Let's take care of ourselves” is a mobile application designed specifically to provide support to people suffering from unwanted loneliness or elderly people. This platform offers a variety of tools and services aimed at improving your daily quality of life. From the ease of making shopping lists to a complete program of community activities, including options to find relevant information about events and activities in programs of social interest.  

The main goal is to provide a safe and welcoming space where people can connect, participate and feel part of a community. 

logo of the application, this being a circle with three hearts inside, one yellow, one green and one red.

Areas of help: 

You can collaborate from various instances, be it a public institution, small and large companies, social entities, local businesses and even individuals. Collaboration can occur through the application, through financial contributions, sponsorships, dissemination of the initiative or even by volunteering. 

Additionally, for those businesses or companies that offer products aimed at older people, there is a special offer. They are given the opportunity to include this information for free in the application, highlighting it for greater visibility. 

It is important to highlight the strategic alliance between the creators of "Let's take care of ourselves" and the tennis club, Gure Galde MAHAI TENISA, as well as the Ballonti shopping center, which further enhances the impact and scope of the initiative. 

Likewise, it has the collaboration of the Portugaleteko Udala City Council and Karrantza Harana Valle de Carranza. Furthermore, the project has been selected by Fundación MAPFRE in the X Call for Social Aid 2020 and for Bizkaia in the Konsulta'm of Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation 2022, strengthening their support and recognition.

Forms of acquisition:

The application can be easily downloaded through Google Play.  google play

Technical assessment:

Author: Ana Hidalgo Montero

Date: April 2024

Access page:

To use the application, you only need to have location activated on the device, either precisely or approximately. When starting the app, we are greeted with a positive message in a text box. 

Subsequently, we access the main screen, where the current date and the complete menu of available options are shown. This menu includes activities, services, well-being, utilities and a social news board. 

The interface design is notable, especially the generous size of each button. This facilitates its use, being beneficial for older people or people with cognitive disabilities. 

main window, where we find the 5 icons of the functionalities, these being activities, top left, services, top right, well-being, in the center left, utilities, in the center right and news, below completely off the screen.
The activities submenu is displayed. Being a list with the title and place of each activity. Additionally, above in a gray stripe, place the heart and the star, which represents the activities that you have clicked on as favorites and those that you have clicked on as registered.

Interface: Button Activities:

When accessing the activities button, we find an extensive list that covers many options for the entire community within the Portugalete area. Whatever the user's interest, they will find a suitable activity for them. 

When selecting a particular activity, the application provides all the relevant information, including location, time, contact by email and web link, date of completion, modality (in person or online) and whether it is carried out in a closed space or outdoors. fresh air. In addition, a brief description and a link for pre-registration are provided. The option to indicate registration (with a star) and mark the activity as a favorite (with a heart) is also provided. 

In the courses, in addition to the pre-registration link, there is a complete list of all available courses along with their respective schedules. 

Additionally, we have seen some notable functionality from the dashboard that shows all activities. By pressing the button with a heart, the application filters and shows only those activities marked as favorites by the user. Likewise, pressing the star button displays only the activities in which the user is enrolled. This feature provides a convenient way to quickly access activities that are of most interest or in which you have confirmed participation. 

Example information of a course offered in San Roque. We can see that it has some spaces where it indicates the location, date, presence and cost (if available). Likewise, in the central part a brief description of the proposed activity is indicated.
The continuity of the image that was on the left. At the bottom of the screen, we have the course schedule and all the courses offered at the indicated center.

Interface: Wellness Button:

When accessing the "Wellbeing" button, we find a submenu that offers a range of tools designed to improve the quality of daily life. These options include:  

  • Shopping list: This function allows you to create a detailed list of the foods and products necessary to make the purchase. This makes it easier to organize and plan purchases, ensuring that the necessary items are purchased and avoiding forgetfulness. 


  • List of useful telephone numbers: A list of important and useful telephone numbers is provided, such as emergency services, community services, among others. When you click on them, you have a confirmation pop-up window, and if you want to call, you will be found an application from which you can make the call. This ensures quick access to important contact information should the need arise. 


  • Alarms and reminders: This functionality allows you to set custom alarms and reminders. You can configure the date, time and indicative text of the reminder. In addition, the option is offered to dictate the message out loud instead of writing it, which makes it easier for older people or people with writing difficulties. In addition, you can configure whether you want the alarm to be audible or not, adapting to the user's individual preferences and needs. This helps you remember medical appointments, take medications, complete daily tasks, or other important events. 
Submenu of the well-being window. In gray buttons the shopping list sections, useful telephone numbers and reminders
The reminder option. At the top is the date of the reminder day and some buttons to set the time. Additionally, in the central part we have the option to write or record an audio of what needs to be remembered. At the bottom we have some options to set an alarm or not let it ring and notify you by notification. Below are the buttons to save or delete the reminder

Interface. News Button:

When accessing the news button, an exhaustive list is displayed that covers all the relevant social news in the neighborhood. This feature makes it easier for users to stay up to date with local events, allowing for a greater connection with the community. Additionally, those who have participated in an event or activity may find satisfaction in reading potential reviews about their contribution.  

When you select a specific news item, a new tab opens with the full content of the news item. In addition, the application offers the possibility of adjusting the size of the text, allowing it to be enlarged or reduced according to the user's preferences. This feature ensures a comfortable and accessible reading experience for all users. 

News submenu there. In each news item there is a photo on the left and the title on the right. As well as a search engine and a filter to be able to see only the news you want
The sections window. At the top are the offers and raffles (if there are any) and in the central and lower part we have a submenu of buttons with all the options it gives us, which are municipal services, public spaces, toilets. and the home services that are offered and that are around the indicated location.

 Interface: Button Sections:

Exploring the pages section reveals that we have a variety of useful options. These include exclusive raffles for people over 60 and offers that will be available soon. These prizes must be collected in person, thus preventing fraudulent use of the raffles. 

In addition, we have a menu that provides information on municipal services, public spaces, health services and home services. By clicking on each category, a menu will be displayed that will show the services closest to the user's location. This feature ensures quick and convenient access to relevant information based on each user's individual needs. 

Interface: Utilities Button. 

Accessing the utilities button reveals that the application has additional tools to improve the user experience. Among them is a magnifying glass, allowing quick and convenient access to this screen magnification function for those who need it. 

In addition, the application offers a variety of games that entertain the user and contribute to improving their emotional well-being and happiness. 

Lastly, the app features a flashlight, providing a useful tool for illuminating in low visibility situations. This feature can be useful in times of emergency or when an additional light source is needed. 

The utilities window in the application. It is a gray window that has different options in a menu of large letters, which are a magnifying glass-mirror, games or the flashlight
Submenu of game icons that the application provides us with. We have the memory at the top left, the simon says at the top right. And at the bottom we have the hanged man at the bottom left and the pon at the bottom right.


The user interface is distinguished by its simplicity and ease of use. Several features stand out: 

  • Users can access all features quickly and easily, making it easy to navigate the app.  
  • The app features large font and offers the ability to enlarge it further if necessary, improving accessibility for visually impaired users.  
  • The interface is highly visual and is not overloaded with information. Pictograms are also included for each of the functionalities, which facilitates understanding and the user experience. 



The application is distinguished by being very accessible for people with hearing problems, people with cognitive difficulties and people with physical difficulties, thanks to its intuitive and clear design, as well as large buttons, which eliminates any barrier to understanding for users. 

Accessibility for people with reduced or no vision: 

In the case of people with zero vision, the application lacks extensive adaptation, such as the buttons on the main menu or the favorites section and entries in the activities menu, which limits its accessibility. But it is true that the application company has informed us that it will undertake them soon. For those with low vision, the application is appropriate, as it offers the option to increase the font size, in addition to having a large initial letter. This feature ensures that users with different levels of visual ability can fully enjoy the application and its functionalities without difficulties. 

Accessibility for people with hearing difficulties: 

The application offers specific benefits for people with hearing difficulties, since it does not include functions that require the use of the sense of hearing, as everything is labeled with texts and icons. In addition, as it is an application for smartphones, it is compatible with hearing aids, allowing users with hearing difficulties to enjoy the application and all its features without problems. This ensures that the app is accessible to a wide range of users, regardless of their hearing accessibility needs. 

Accessibility for people with cognitive difficulties: 

The language used in the app is simple and uncomplicated, making it accessible to people with cognitive difficulties. The application interface is distinguished by its simplicity and efficient organization, making it an easy-to-use tool for all users. This ensures that the app is hassle-free as it is designed to be intuitive and easy to understand. 

Accessibility for people with physical difficulties: 

The application is accessible for people with physical difficulties. Its interface is extremely simple and easy to use, making it suitable for those with mobility limitations. For example, instead of using sliders that may be difficult for some people to manipulate, the app employs buttons, making navigation and interaction easier. This feature benefits people with physical difficulties, as it reduces the need for precise and delicate movements, allowing more comfortable and fluid access to the application's functions. 


It is evident that this application is a valuable tool with enormous potential. It would be very beneficial to increase the number of active users to give it greater visibility and provide greater support to both older people and society as a whole. As a platform that shows a wide range of activities available in the municipality, a greater number of active users would allow for a broader reach and benefit more people by promoting participation in activities in the community. This would not only enrich the lives of seniors by providing them with options for entertainment and social participation, but would also contribute to the overall well-being of society by encouraging interaction and involvement in local activities. 


Improvement proposals: 

  • Scaling of the interface, depending on the screen resolution. 
  • Include a section within the sections tab where you can combat misinformation, as well as highlight possible fraud or scams on the internet. 
  • Add alternative text so that it can be accessible to all groups and can be navigated by people with zero visibility. 

Activity locations and future steps 

Currently, the app is only accessible and active for members of Portugalete and partially for those in Karrantza, a more rural area within the province of Bizkaia.   

However, the company is interested in expanding its reach to the rest of Spain. To this end, interested municipalities are invited to adopt the application to reach the elderly in their municipalities.  

In the future, given that this project has a strong social component, the company hopes that the main interest groups, such as older people, will be responsible for feeding the information into the application within their territories.  

To facilitate this collaboration, the company contact is provided, in case any city council is interested: 

Technical evaluation scores.

Design and manufacturing:
This section refers to the physical aspects and details of the manufacturing of the technological product
Technical benefits:
Description of the quality of the technical specifications of the technological solution
User experience:
This criterion is linked to the user's assessment when relating to the technical product or application.
It is the degree to which people can use or access a product, technological solution or service, regardless of their technical, cognitive or physical abilities

Social valuation:

Social valuation scores.

Impact and utility:
This item has not been rated/5
Describes to what extent the functionalities of the product are useful and impact on improving the life of the user
Design and Ergonomics:
This item has not been rated/5
Assessment of how the design of the technological solution adapts to the person to achieve greater comfort and efficiency when using it
Usability and accessibility:
This item has not been rated/5
Possibility of the device to be used, understood and taken advantage of under equal conditions for anyone
Ease of acquisition:
This item has not been rated/5
It refers to the possibilities of accessing and acquiring a technological solution by the user.

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